Natural Cures Sinus Infections
We're looking for a natural sinus cure for sinuses that doesn't involved drugs. We want something that will address the cause, not the symptom. Natural cures sinus will solve the problem with any negative side effects. These side effects lead to more sickness, which is why we recommend only natural cures. Sinus infections are often dealt with by doctors by giving you sinus medicine, but that doesn't actually curing the problem, rather, they're just suppressing it. What we're looking for here is a homeopathic sinus infection cure and natural remedies sinus infections that have been proven and used for centuries; not the "wonder drug" of the year.Natural Sinus Cure: Sinus Saline Solution
This is a very, very simple solution for your problem. It not only suppresses symptoms, but is a true natural cures sinus infections since it gets to the root of the homeopathic sinus infection and is a true natural sinus cure. This is is sometimes called a saline sinus flush or a saline sinus rinse and is one of many cures for sinuses.Natural Sinus Cures: What You Need
- 8 oz Glass of lukewarm water, preferably distilled
- 1 teaspoon of salt, preferable natural, non-iodized sea salt
Sinus Saline Solution Procedure
- Mix salt in water until most of it is dissolved (Ideally it would all dissolve but if it doesn't it's fine. Taste the solution to make sure it's salty enough. It should taste exactly the same as the solution used in the saltwater colon cleanse.)
- Raise this cup as if you were drinking the water, but suck the sinus saline solution through your nose. Try to use at least half of the cup and spit the water out or let it fall back out through your nose
- Repeat every few hours as necessary.
- Do not swallow the solution
Now I'm going to show you a video, but DON'T ADD ANY DRUGS TO THIS SOLUTION. Salt and water, and don't swallow it. This video mentions drugs. Ignore that part!
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