Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Athlete's Foot Cure & Jock Itch Cure

Athlete's Foot Cure & Jock Itch Cure

We're just going to jump right in and give you some simple solutions. These solution were written for athletes foot, but could very well be used to cure jock itch as well.

Natural Tea Tree Oil Cures Athletes Foot
  • Prescription-grade athlete's foot products can only be described by doctors. If you look around you'll find that this ingredient is available without a prescription and for sale at the dollar store! The only difference is that there's a lower concentration of the active ingredient (so you just use a little more). There are a few different active ingredients in different brands, but since they're all $1, why not just buy them all and see what works for you? Note: use the hair dryer to dry the cream after rubbing it in. Moisture is what causes the problem in the first place.
While the above is not a natural cure, it's a simple answer that most people are looking for, so it heads our list. Now, lets move on to some natural cures
  • Do the above solution with the prescription or dollar store cream, but do it with tea tree oil. It works better, costs the same, and isn't harmful to your skin
  • Soaking your feet in water with raw apple cider vinegar should help (the more vinegar the better) . Or putting a few drops of vinegarinside your socks and letting it dry before you put them on might be okay. Or, maybe you could try sleeping with with socks that have been soaked in vinegar and then dried

  • If I'm out all day with shoes on, when I'm sitting down at the coffeeshop, I'll take my shoes off for a bit and let them air out. This is probably the single most important thing if you have shoes on all day. Putting powder on your feet before you put your socks on can be coupled with this.
  • Wash your feet in a private bathroom sink when they are really sweaty
  • Sleep barefooted so your feet remain dry at night. Use powder too.
  • Why I don't have the problem: in the summer, instead of wearing shoes everyday, I would sometimes wear flip-flops with no socks. This really works.
  • Wash your socks inside out (doesn't clean the dirty heals as well but gets rid of the fungus better. If you're worried, wash them twice!)
  • Dry your feet with the hair dryer after a shower

I've tried all of these things (except lemon/vinegar) and I know they work, as I too have had athlete's foot and jock itch. I haven't had athlete's foot or even stinky feet for years (that's saying a lot because my shoes are old and stink, meaning that the fungus IS reaching my feet, but not taking hold.) It's pretty easy to take off slippers before bed. It takes me a few seconds to put some powder on my feet before putting on my socks. No problem to take of my shoes when sitting in Starbucks reading a book.

Hope this helps.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Natural Sinus Cures: Sinus Infections

Natural Cures Sinus Infections

We're looking for a natural sinus cure for sinuses that doesn't involved drugs. We want something that will address the cause, not the symptom. Natural cures sinus will solve the problem with any negative side effects. These side effects lead to more sickness, which is why we recommend only natural cures. Sinus infections are often dealt with by doctors by giving you sinus medicine, but that doesn't actually curing the problem, rather, they're just suppressing it. What we're looking for here is a homeopathic sinus infection cure and natural remedies sinus infections that have been proven and used for centuries; not the "wonder drug" of the year.

Natural Sinus Cure: Sinus Saline Solution

This is a very, very simple solution for your problem. It not only suppresses symptoms, but is a true natural cures sinus infections since it gets to the root of the homeopathic sinus infection and is a true natural sinus cure. This is is sometimes called a saline sinus flush or a saline sinus rinse and is one of many cures for sinuses.

Natural Sinus Cures: What You Need

  • 8 oz Glass of lukewarm water, preferably distilled
  • 1 teaspoon of salt, preferable natural, non-iodized sea salt

Sinus Saline Solution Procedure

  • Mix salt in water until most of it is dissolved (Ideally it would all dissolve but if it doesn't it's fine. Taste the solution to make sure it's salty enough. It should taste exactly the same as the solution used in the saltwater colon cleanse.)
  • Raise this cup as if you were drinking the water, but suck the sinus saline solution through your nose. Try to use at least half of the cup and spit the water out or let it fall back out through your nose
  • Repeat every few hours as necessary.
  • Do not swallow the solution
This natural cures sinus infections by killing germs and unclogging the sinuses. It should work much better than dangerous drugs.

Now I'm going to show you a video, but DON'T ADD ANY DRUGS TO THIS SOLUTION. Salt and water, and don't swallow it. This video mentions drugs. Ignore that part!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Which Water Should I Drink?

This article is basically part 2 of Chlorine in Tap Water: Is It Bad for You? That article convinces you of the dangers associated with drinking tap water that contains chlorine and fluoride. This article will just give you some simple alternatives.

Pitcher Water Filter (Examples: Brita Filter, PUR Filter)

Come on, do you think these small filters are going to remove all of the contaminants from our water? Isn't that what the city does for us anyway, and then add chlorine and fluoride? Well, that's what they say and these companies do claim that their filters dramatically reduce toxins in our drinking water. These filters are cheap, only $15 for three on Amazon and claim to last for 40 gallons. But, they don't remove everything. For the price, it's pretty economical, and it's definitely better than drinking tap water.

I don't use these filters. However, here's a bit of advice I should take: buy one as a back up to spring or distilled water. I drink distilled water that I buy at the store. What do I do when I run out? I drink tap water because I haven't bought a backup! Pretty dumb, huh?

A Sink Water Filter (Example: Culligan filter)

I fail to see how these filters can last 200 gallons and the pitcher filters only last 40. I fail to see how they can filter as good as the pictures when the water flows through them so quickly. Also, I would never like one of the big filters on my sink, but, as you can see, the Culligan filter I showed above is fairly small. (Read the Pure water filter review.)

However, don't take my skepticism as fact. I'm not a chemical researcher so I can't test this filtered water myself. As a backup to distilled water or spring water filtered before bottling, I'd say these filters are great. I should really take my own advice on this. Maybe I research the best and buy one soon. The best filter is the one you will use, and although I'll still buy my water, it will be a great backup. It'll be great to use for cooking!

A Home Water Filter (Example)

This would be a better idea than getting both a shower filter and a sink filter. Plus, your bathroom sinks would be clean too. However, how well do these work is the question. They don't claim to filter out as many pollutants as the at-point filters on your sink or showerhead. They don't even get some of the things that the pitchers get. They don't guarantee to get all of to the toxins out, but if they get 75% of them, they would be very useful. I just researched this as I plan to buy a filter (or kitchen and shower filters) for myself very soon. I want a backup for water to drink and a shower filter as well. This one full house filter could be a solution to both, but none of them seem very reliable.

Shower Filter (Examples: Culligan Filtered Showerhead)

I think this is very necessary. You are reported to inhale as much chlorine through one 15 minute shower as you do through a few glasses of tap water. The replacement filters for this Culligan Filter showerhead are rated at 10,000 gallons, and at 2.5 gallons per minute, if your shower is used 30 minutes a day, the filter will last you one year. You could put this in your shower, put a filter on your sink, then you'd reduce a lot of chlorine you are consuming. You'll still have to worry about the bath and bathroom faucets though. I like the whole-home filter better.

Distilled Water

This is what I drink. It is filtered through very expensive machines and is supposed to have the smallest traces of ANYTHING in it, therefore being the best for you.

Spring Water

Similar to distilled water, but contains minerals. I will drink this as well, but usually choose distilled.

Top Recommendations (amended after original post)

Whole house filters rid your water of certain contaminants, but not the chlorine. The chlorine is better removed by a shower filter and a pitcher type or sink filter. I'd say get a sink filter as well as a shower filter. If you click the links above you'll see that they're inexpensive.

Chlorine in Tap Water: Is It Bad for You?

Is It Bad to Drink Tap Water?

Is a question I'm often asked. The answer is, in a word, is yes. Filtered water, spring water, and distilled water are all better choices. Let's look at some problems of drinking tap water

Chlorine in Tap Water

Tap water in the US and many industrialized countries has chlorine added to it. Chlorine, though an element, is a chemical and not found naturally in any foods grown naturally or found in any water supply. Chlorine is indeed an ingredient in salt, which is found naturally, however, the chlorine is attached to sodium, in which case the compound is a solid, and is fine. Chlorine, by itself, however, is very dangerous and toxic to the human body. Chlorine is a gas and has a very low freezing point. There are several diseases linked directly the dietary intake of chlorine.

Let's look at what Wikipedia says about chlorine: "It has a disagreeable, suffocating odor that is detectable in concentrations as low as 1 ppm,[1] and is choking and poisonous. Chlorine is a powerful oxidant and is used in bleaching and disinfectants." Is this what you want to put in your body?

Chlorine is also used as a chemical weapon and was used in the Iraq war. This is used in our water supply to kill bacteria and also used in our swimming pools. Since it's a gas, it evaporates slowly and more chlorine will need to be added to the pool. Would you drink a bottle of chlorine that you put in the pool? Of course not. Would you drink pool water? Of course not. So, why would you drink tap water that also has chlorine in it? Did you know that chlorine mixed with other elements creates one of the only acids that can disintegrate gold? Did you know that chlorine can attack and destroy metals left in a swimming pool? Did you indoor swimming pool roofs have collapsed because of the chlorine in the air?

Drinking chlorinated water won't kill you now, but it will lead to many thyroid, liver, lung, heart, and several other problems throughout the body. These problems can lead to obesity and disease. I drank tap water for over 30 years. When I was younger we had well water, so that was fine, and very healthy. However, when we got "city water" I started drinking chlorine. I will do so no longer unless in emergencies.

Another Silent Killer: Fluoride

Also, fluoride is in our tap water. Why? Well, since chlorine is in the water to kill the germs, someone had the bright idea to put fluoride in the water too? Why? It's allegedly good for our teeth. Consult a dentist on that one. I do believe it is good for teeth, however, I don't think it's necessary. Animals don't get cavities and they don't drink fluoride, so why do we need it? Well, excuse me for saying so, but it's because we eat crap. We eat too much sugar and drink too much tooth-dissolving chlorine (again, my opinion).

Recently, dentists are debating whether or not fluoride is actually good for your teeth or not. When the idea to put it in toothpaste was brought forth in the 1930s, the American Dental Association wouldn't stand behind it for over a decade! Why? They thought it was dangerous!


Now a days, these chemicals abound in our water supply, cleaning solutions and showers (which we breath the gas), our swimming pools, our toothpaste, and even in our Listerine (see the new Listerine Total Care with fluoride). Should you consume these chemicals? I wouldn't advise it and I avoid them myself most of the time. Do what you can and avoid them when possible. Buying jugs of filtered water would be a good start. I'm leery as to how much chlorine and fluoride these filters remove, though, so buy distilled or spring water. If you distill tap water though, it may still contain chlorine! There is no perfect solution. Just do as good as you can.

Buying water or using filtered water will reduce your chlorine and fluoride intake by 50-75%, or more (depending on what study you agree with). If you believe you need fluoride for your teeth, remember, it's in nearly all toothpastes anyway, so is that not enough?

Cooking with Michelle Bommarito

I'm not a very good cook. I know how to live and eat healthily, however, some of the foods I make for myself aren't exactly the most appetizing. I guess you could say I'm a bit lazy. So, when my sister wanted to attend a "Super Power Foods" healthy cooking seminar, I decided I'd attend.

The guest speaker was Michelle Bommarito. She's pretty well known a cake decorator (her site link here) and has also worked for years as a New York chef. Her lifestyle, though, consists of very healthy eating and she's combined this with her talents as a chef to teach the world how to live healthily as she does.

Michelle is 41, but she could pass for 35. She's very fit, thin, in great shape, and full of energy. She's been eating organic only for the past 8 years she says, so I'm sure that has a lot to do with it.

Here's a link
to one of her recent food events and here's a link to her cake decorating event in Tennessee. See what others are saying about her here.

So, if Michelle comes to your town, I'd highly recommend going to see her. It will cost you around $15, but the health information she speaks is mostly in line with what I'd say and probably faster, more interesting, and cuter than me and reading this site!

Highly recommended.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Appetite Suppression Recipe: Peanut Butter Indulgence

This article is not intended for those with strong wills, capable of snacking on raw fruits and vegetables. A carrot, some grapes, or a slice of watermelon (all organic, I hope) are all better solutions than this Appetite Suppression recipe.

However, many others are unable to satisfy their cravings with low fat, low calorie fruits and vegetables. This is where problems start and people start reaching for potato chips and doughnuts. I, while not overweight, often grab peanuts or popcorn. I eat them in moderation, but before bed, when I know I don't need the fat, oils, preservatives, and chemicals in common "snacks," I use this method as well.

The method is my own. I'm not a chef so it's far from glamorous so I would never dare print it in a book or pamphlet. The Internet, however, is a great place to share it. And, while it's not the prettiest, most lavish snack, IT WORKS! That's what you came here for, right? Well, first let me tell you a little story about how and why this peanut butter snack with curb hunger.

When I was about 11 I lived far out in the woods and didn't have too many other kids to play with. I succeeded in using rope to hang my basketball hoop on the tree and would practice everyday after school. I was terrible at the game which had suddenly become popular, so I wanted to learn to play with the other kids at school.

I would play for hours. Sometimes I would run out of energy and start to black out. Simply stopping for a few minutes let me continue practicing, but when I had those episodes of exhaustion, I would always crave peanut butter. Sure, a Mt. Dew or Coke would have made me happy as well, but I wanted peanut butter. It was just what I craved.

Now I know a banana or some fresh fruit juice would have been the best choice, but I was 11, and I wanted peanut butter. Then, several years later, I learned that peanut butter was often the desire of pregnant women's cravings. I thought that was interesting.

Have you ever heard "Packed with peanuts, Snickers really satisfies"? Have you ever heard a pregnant woman ask for peanut butter? Nuts are desirable. They are fatty, full of protein, taste great, have a satisfying crush, and so on. In peanut butter there is a lot of sugar and a lot calories packed in a small space. Eating a lot of peanut butter is not good for you, but eating a small amount, such as used in this recipe, is much better than the chips or cake alternative.

Peanut Butter Indulgence Recipe

First let me note, that as always, I recommend you buy organic food. Not only because it's good for you, because as more people buy it, the more it sends messages to the companies that we want healthy food void of pesticides and chemical preservatives. However, for simplicity, since you may just be starting on your path to a healthier lifestyle

  • 1 heaping teaspoon of crunchy peanut butter (creamy might work, but I haven't tried it. If you only have creamy I suppose you could just add nuts or seeds to it. This recipe works in part due to its bulk, so I really would recommend getting peanut butter with whole peanuts in it)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of raw, dried, shredded coconut (I can get a full sandwich size Ziploc bag of unsweetened coconut for $1 at my local organic food store. I haven't this recipe with sweetened coconut, because it is not natural and I only buy organic. I guess you could try it, but I think the finished product would come out too sweet because I wouldn't recommend omitting the sugar)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of sugar (again, $1 at my local organic store. Regular sugar will for sure work, no problem. No fake NutraSweet or Equal here or EVER! Stevia is a natural sweetener that is very healthy, but it's not recommended for this recipe, for the same reason sweetened coconut is not recommended, because the grains of sugar in your mouth actually help satisfy you and suppress hunger
  • 1/2 teaspoon of a healthy grain, such as steel cut oats or even regular dry oatmeal or crushed up corn flakes
  • Optional: a few chocolate chips, cinnamon (a know appetite suppressant), flax seeds, sunflower seed, extra peanuts, etc.


Mix sugar, coconut, and oatmeal (or your choice of grain) in a cereal bowl. Just throw it in there basically. Then, you add the peanut butter to it. Don't mix it, simple roll the peanut butter over the mixture. It won't take a good shape but it will stick together. If you get the mixture inside of the peanut butter it will fall apart, so that's why you want it on the outside. Personally I mix, roll, and eat it with a spoon, but you can do it however you want to. See the finished product:

How to Eat

This is the most important step! You must sit down, relax, and do absolutely nothing while you eat this. And you must take baby bites. You can see the small size of it. It's about the size of a very soft cookie. Take small bites and try to make it last 3-4 minutes.

Next, a strange thing might happen: you won't want to finish it! After you get all that sugar in a compact form, you body tells you it doesn't want anymore! You're getting the sugar, you're getting the crunchy satisfaction, you're getting the wonderful tastes, and you're getting the feeling of sugar crystals in your mouth. Do you see how these things all work together?

But, you must finish it! It's mandatory. And eat the remaining mixture in the bowl too. And when you're done, don't drink anything. Your mouth will be dry and you'll want to drink. Your desire for water will outweigh your hunger. Then, go do something constructive; or go to bed. Your hunger will be curbed for an hour or two!

Isn't all that sugar unhealthy?

This recipe is less than 100 calories. The peanut butter is about 50 kcal, the sugar around 30, coconut less than 10, and the grain maybe 5. Consider a quarter bag of potato chips (400 kcal), a slice of pizza (400 kcal), a candy bar (2-300 kcal), or a back of microwave popcorn (500 kcal). Plus if you use organic sugar and peanut butter and other ingredients, this recipe is much, much better than its alternatives. Tell me how you like it!

Friday, March 13, 2009

"My Mother's Story" - Fibromyalgia and a Negative Mindset (by guest author)

This account is from a eloquently-spoken guest author. It's the story of his mother who has fibromyalgia

* * *

My mother is, was, and always will be, the jealous type, critical of others' successes due to her reluctance to take responsibility for her laziness and lack of action. First, I'll give a few examples of her personality before I discuss her self-induced fibromyalgia ("self-induced" meaning I think she's given herself the disease based on her paranoid mindset and negative attitude about life in general).

My mother cuts and uses coupons a lot. She works as a cashier at a grocery store so this helps her see what's on sale and helps her save more money. She needs to save money because, due to her negative attitute, she refuses to use her people skills--she's a very friendly, and for her age pretty, lady--to find herself a better job. She's been a cashier making $10 an hour for years.

Recently she's been complaining about people who buy several newspapers, use several coupons for products that are on sale, and get, for example, 20 boxes of Cheerios for under $1 each after using 20 coupons. The only reason she hates these people is because they've taken the time to learn how to use a computer and search and buy the coupons online. She doesn't own or know how to use a computer and is too lazy to learn. She's also too lazy to go to 7-11 and buy a few newspapers so that she can just clip the coupons herself. Therefore so she has no access to the coupons. So, she just complains about these people. The other day I found some coupons for some food that I like that, after coupons, is about 75% off (link here for $3.50 off Cascadian Organic: Cascadian Farms Cereal Coupon). I told her I was going to order some and she started complaining about "these people who buy coupons" and "you guys." Then I told her I only needed a few coupons but the pack that I ordered has 20 of the coupons and I could give her some of them. She wasn't complaining because, after that, she would be the one on the inside saving money, and she wouldn't actually have to do anything to get to that point, as I'd done all the work for her.

Here are a couple more examples related to her health problems. She has "fibromyalgia," a fancy name for health problems they can't diagnose; they just classify it as the disease fibromyalgia (FM). What it is is mostly women who think they have a lot of aches and pains, anxiety attacks, in my mom's case "hot flashes," reactions to certain foods and situations, and more. When she eats beans she'll say, "No, beans do something to my stomach and my FM starts acting up and...." I'm like, "Mom! Beans give everyone gas! Just gas! The reason your body hurts is because of the preservative that you ate with the beans and the lack of enzymes due to the beans being highly processed. If you want to eat organic beans with a enzyme-rich salad first--or else just fresh beans--you will not have the problem!" And she also gets constipated so I tell her to take 32 oz of sea salt water in the morning, a laxative tea at night (I bought this and it really works), or a special flower pollen from Turkey will clean everything out.

I know how to cure (yes, completely cure) the "diseases" she has. I mentioned the simple solutions to heartburn and constipation above. Fibromyalgia is reportly cured in a matter of months by full body detox as shown on this site, but not as intense but for a longer period of time. It's supposed to work with cancer too (intense and longer though, but easier as the alternative is death!) and probably even AIDS (if that virus actually even exists. In fact, we ALL have herpes, but it's dormant in people who are healthy).

Do you think she tried any of these things, even the very, very simple saltwater flush colon flush? Did she try the fruits and vegetables for a week just to see how she feels afterwards? Did she stop eating chili from a can and make organic chili? No, she'd rather complain, go to the doctor, and take those deadly drugs they give her.

I look to sites like yours to make myself feel good. There are several with more content, actually, but as you say you're adding more and more daily, so I did bookmark you and will check back often. I just thought I'd write you this since you said you accept articles by guests. If you post this maybe it will help people learn that they can cure themselves based just on how they think.


(Name omitted)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Quick Organic Recipes: Low Gluten Quinoa Recipe (for Start & End of Detox & Fast)

quick organic recipes
simple organic recipes
gluten quinoa*
easy quinoa recipes

Quick Organic Recipes: Low Gluten Quinoa Easy Quinoa Recipe

When you start a full-body detox or a juice fast it's often hard to eat regularly one day and go all fresh fruits and vegetables the next. Many people set aside a couple days' transition period. Simple organic recipes such as this low-gluten quinoa recipe is perfect for these occasions.

Similarly, when you're coming off a juice only detox or else a fresh fruits and vegetable diet it's not good for your body to jump right in and eat regularly again. Simple organic recipes with healthy grains like low gluten quinoa is the perfect choice.

Simple Organic Recipes: Easy Quinoa Recipe with Fresh Organic Vegetables

Ingredients (organic when available):
  • 1 cup of organic quinoa (all quinoa is low-gluten quinoa)
  • 1 small organic tomato (Roma preferred)
  • 1 small jalepeno pepper (organic if available)
  • 1 single slice of onion (red onion preferred)
  • 1/2 garlic clove
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1 slice of lime
  • 2-3 leaves Romaine lettuce
  • 2-4 cups of water (distilled preferred)
  • Sea salt
  • Pepper
  • Extra virgin olive oil
Cooked Veggie Mix Procedure:

  1. Chop jalepeno pepper and onion slice into small pieces
  2. Crush or chop garlic clove into as small of pieces as possible.
  3. Mix garlic, jalepeno, and onion together
Easy Quinoa Recipe Procedure:
  1. Dry roast 1 cup of quinoa in sauce pan over medium heat. Stir continuously. Low gluten quinoa shells will "pop" open. This is normal. Roast for 2-3 minutes after the first pop.
  2. After dry roast quinoa, add 2-3 cups of water.
  3. Boil until water level is low, stirring occasionally
  4. Add more water and jalepeno-garlic-onion mix. Cover
  5. Simmer 10-15 minutes or until quinoa soft
  6. When quinoa is soft, add a little more water and add salt, pepper, and 1-2 teaspoons olive oil. Add basil if desired.
  7. Simmer until quinoa soft and mixed with vegetables. Quinoa will take on vegetable, salt, and olive oil taste.
Fresh Vegetable & Serving Procedure
  1. Dice tomato and put on plate cold and fresh
  2. Smash avacado adding sea salt and pepper. Place on plate as shown picture
  3. Place fresh lime slice on plate
  4. Cut or tear romaine lettuce and add to place, or put full leaves on separate plate
  5. Add quinoa to plate
  6. Compliment with any desired fresh fruit (grapes, raspberries, and cut up fresh jalepeno peppers shown in photo)

Squeeze lime over quinoa as desired. Quinoa, avocado, and tomato may be wrapped up in romaine lettuce and eaten like a burrito, or else cut up pieces of lettuce on top will be easier to eat with a spoon or fork.

This recipe serves two.

* * *

Quick organic recipes like this easy quinoa recipes provide a good stepping stone into or out of a fast or detoxification. You're still getting fresh vegetables with the lettuce, tomato, and avacado. You're getting more veggies in the veggie mix. Quinoa provides several nutrients, and while not recommended during a juice fast, is digested fairly easily by the body

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Cascadian Organic Cereal Coupon

Here is a link with information about the Cascadian Farms Cereal Coupon

Cascadian Farm Organic is an organic company producing the following
  • Cascadian granola bars
  • Cascadian cereal
  • Cascadian Farm organic fruit
  • Cascadian organic jam
  • Cascadian organic fruit
and over 70 more Actually, you can see all of the Cascadian organic products here. You can see the Cascadian Organic homepage here.

I highly recommend this company for your healthy lifestyle. During detox, no frozen food or grains should be taken. But when you're not detoxing all of this company's products are great!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Good Health by Just Eating a Salad Before Each Meal?

It's hard for many people to eat decently. Many people don't have time on their lunch breaks. Many people can't afford organic food. Organics are expensive! When you eat at restaurants it's almost guaranteed that there will be preservatives, pesticides, and other chemicals in your food. How can eat healthily in our current society?

Well, here's a quick tip. Your body is constantly detoxifying itself, whether you eat healthily or not. If you take chemicals (toxins) into your body faster than your body can detox, then the body stores these toxics in fats and tries to rid itself of the toxins through boils, ulcers, pimples, etc. So, the key is to eat less toxins than you're detoxing--less in than is going out!

Here's a very simple way to decrease the toxins going into your body:

Eat a fresh salad before each and every meal

Preferably this should be organic with only extra-virgin olive-oil as dressing. No cheese or meat is recommended, but I often flavor my salads with a little Roma cheese. Since you're eating a meal afterwards even a little cheese or dressing won't hurt.

How Does a Salad Help?

Eating a salad before each meal does a few things:

  • Salads made with fresh fruits and vegetables provide enzymes. If your body has these enzymes it can better digest the lasagna, hamburger, pie, fast food, or any other unhealthy food you plan to eat after it.
  • A salad will fill you up a little, so you'll eat less food that isn't good for you. If you skip dessert, you do, if you don't, you don't, however, if you leave half of the deep-fried French fries on your plate in favor of a salad, then you're doing better than you would be without the salad!

Full Body Detox Program: Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

This is a simple, easy fast to follow. It could be called a juice fast if you limit yourself to only juice, in which case the fast would actually be more beneficial to you. The purpose of the fast is to rest your digestive system while maintaining nutrition and energy to go about your daily life. You will be eating a substantially reduced calorie diet, however, so no aerobic or cardiovascular exercise can be recommended.

Program #1: Juice Only Detox

Since our goal is making the digestive system work as little as possible, for this diet, the absolute best bet would be to read our fruit juicer reviews (link for juice extractor review here) and select a juicer that best suits you. Then, you buy ONLY raw fruits and raw vegetables and juice them and drink the juice. You can drink as much juice as you like. It takes quite a bit of vegetables to get enough juice for a glass, and you won't be full after it, but if you can do it, this is the best way. Again, the best way for doing this fast is fresh fruits and vegetables only detox program or 3-4 weeks. That said, I myself am unable to do juice only for more than a day or two. I crave something with more substance. So, we'll go on to the next best thing.

Program #2: Fresh Vegetables and Fruits Only Detox

The next best thing to the only juice detoxification program is the fresh fruits and vegetables detox program. This is the same as above, however, instead of only juice, you substitute solid fruits and vegetables in order to feel full. So, instead of juicing the apple (hopefully organic, if you want the detox to work quickly), you eat it whole. You do the same with carrots, celery, lemons, oranges, etc. Some vegetables might be better juiced as opposed to being eaten raw, such as broccoli. In this diet you can make wonderful salads. Romaine lettuces, minced up garlic (you mince it, not the stuff in a jar), organic basil leaves cut into small pieces, organic tomatoes, organic vegetables of any type, organic fruits, etc. Try not to add any seeds or nuts as they don't digest as quickly as the fruits and vegetables.

Digestion and Enzyme Discussion

Before we move on let's discuss digestive enzymes. All fruits and vegetables contain digestive enzymes so that your body barely has to work to digest them. Some of the fibers of the fruits and vegetables take a little to digest, but not much. With juice-only you don't get these fibers but you still get the enzymes, so you can see how that will be better to rest your digestive system.

While your digestives systems rests, it breaks down fat and removes the toxins from it. So, the less work it does, the more it works on fat and removing the toxins within it. You can detox with non-organic fruits and veggies, but organic is best, as there are no further toxins added that your body must rid itself of. Nuts, olive oil, potatoes, avocados, etc., all have enzymes and are pretty easy to digest, not as easy is fruit only or juice only, but easy enough and may be used. Salt, pepper, and pretty much anything that comes in a container when you buy it likely has chemicals added to it. Adding these chemicals, or toxins to your body isn't the best way to detox, because the toxins are what you're trying to get rid of.

Program #3: Fresh Vegetables and Fruits Detox with a Few Extras

Now, if you still need more substance, you can still get a good detox program. Here we'll add a few things that you can by all means use while detoxing, but keep them to a minimum: extra virgin olive oil and organic salt and pepper makes that salad easier to eat. The smaller amount the better. Steamed vegetables are quite filling. Asparagus, Yukon Gold potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions, broccoli, etc. Since steaming too much will kill the enzymes, don't steam too much; or too often. Just a minute or two, or until it's soft enough for you to choke down is the best. You may add RAW (not roasted or salted) seeds, nuts, beans, etc., but keep them to a minimum. We're not talking anything in a can or a package. They should all be fresh. Dried beans in a package aren't recommended, but at a minimum, they should be okay. If you absolutely need organic spices, go ahead and use them sparingly. Actually organic spices won't hurt anything, especially if you're eating them with the enzymes in the salad that you're putting them on. Organic tea is okay, but chamomile, peppermint, or senna (a laxative tea) is the best. If you know for sure that you're only drinking what comes from a dried leaf, then you're okay, especially if you drink it while eating fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, or the fresh juice of either.

Full-Body Detox Programs: Fresh, Living Fruits and Vegetables

All of the above WILL detoxify your body! Juice will be fastest, and so on. Even if you eat nuts all day and use a lot of extra-virgin olive oil as dressing you'll be okay, but the detox will just take longer. Juice-only should only take 2-3 weeks whereas #3 above will take a month. And whichever you do, you must know that if you still have fat on you you will not be fully detoxed! However, since we can't keep on these programs forever without going nuts, we take a few week period when we think we can stick to the program--a 3-week period with no stress or hard work--and detox when we can, a few times per year, for instance.

Cheating on Detox Diet

This is biggie. When people cheat once, they feel they have to give up. CHEATING IS OKAY! If you give up you fail. If you're on your third day of a detox diet and you have a cup of coffee with cream and sugar, sure, you're cheating, but why give up? It won't completely stop your body from detoxing, it will just prolong it a few hours. So, continue!

There's actually another full body detoxification diet I plan to write about how you are able to eat whatever you like for dinner and still detox! I won't get into all the details here, but basically, you follow #1 or #2 above (let's not do #3 here) for breakfast and lunch, and eat a normal dinner of what you want to eat. Heck, cake is fine too! Now to make this work much, much better, you do the eat-anything part for lunch, and juice or fruit and vegetables for dinner. That would be a nice detox, slowly but surely.

In fact, this is how I live my life. I do the occasional water-fast (which is the fastest way to detox but that won't be discussed in this post) for a day or two (that's all I can handle without feeling too dizzy to stand), juice fasts for a few days, and #2 above a few times a year, however, almost all of my meals at home are organic fruits and vegetables. Why do I limit it to meals at home? Well, virtually all restaurants used processed foods with nearly no enzymes that are full of preservatives and other chemicals. I stay away from fast-food as much as possible. Eating a salad before each and every meal on the road does wonders as well--provides enzymes and fills you up a bit and might even keep you from eating dessert!

I know I probably missed a lot here, but I'll answer all questions in the comments below, so fire away!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Reader's Write: How do I do a Juice Fast?

I just bookmarked this your site. I'm looking to start a kind of new life. I plan to buy a good blender (reviews on this site) and juicer (review available on this site) and want to do one of these detox diets. I like the idea of getting all the gook out of your system, things that are stuck in your intestines, etc. I even believe that if you were to eat ONLY healthy vegetables every day, reduce stress, and exercise properly, your body will cure itself of disease, even something like cancer. A lot of people believe this, but few people do it.

I saw an ad on TV once about okra pill that will dissolve mucous from your intestines and increase nutrient absorption. Do you have any information on these okra tablets? I think it's called okra-pepsin e3

Plus I'm going to play exercise 1-2 times a week. I don't want to do it everyday because it seems like it's too much and I might end up quitting.

I'd like to do this once I get the information. I think I can buy organic fruit and vegetables really cheap at the new grocery store that opened. In the summer peopleou a basket of home-grown tomatoes, peppers, apples, for free.! This home-grown stuff can have four times the nutrients due to the non-depleted soil

Sooooooooo, do you have the list of HOW to do the fast? I think I'd still take my multi-vitamins and eat a bowl of fiber cereal if I were to make my own schedule, but maybe that isn't good. If there were a tried and true list of what to do and when to eat it I could follow it more closely as I'd believe in it.

Please tell me the links! bow

Reader's Write: Juice and Bentonite Detox Program

Here is a story submitted to us by a friend of mine. He's a vegetarian, so perhaps this fast was easier for him. This is very inspirational and I invite you to read over it

* * *

A few years ago, when I was visiting Australia, I did a juice fast. The program was based on the writings of Dr. Richard Anderson. You needed to buy the things in the Arise & Shine DeLuxe Cleanse 28 Program.

Here's how it goes:
Week One: Eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner and only eat fruits and vegetables. Drink juice-shakes twice a day plus with cleansing herbs and bentonite clay.
Week Two: Meals reduced to lunch and dinner and one juice-shake.
Week Three: Now only lunch and the juice-shake.
Week Four: Only juice shakes and enemas that extract a grayish poop that is nothing but clay, fruit & vegetable fibers and waste from your intention tract and bowels.

There is no non-fruit or vegetable product (herbs are OK), a few types of grain and legume, no artificial sweeteners, of course no chemicals other than what's on the produce, and of course no alcohol, meat, dairy, fish, eggs.

As a mostly vegetarian (no meat, but fish & dairy are OK), adjusting to this type of diet was not so hard for me as it would be for some other people, but it pushed me. I spent long long days playing video games took the focus off my hunger. I was usually in bed by 11 p.m. and woke up wide awake and full of energy.

After a couple of weeks, once I got used to the hunger, I was very energetic. I was doing kung fu, going to the gym (not recommended), and lost no muscle or strength despite losing 10 lbs. The natural protein found in fruits and vegetables sustained me just fine.

It's also possible during these fasts to see body pains disappear, experience deep emotions or clarity, and retrieve gum that you swallowed many years ago.

By the 4th week, I was ready to give in. Food tasted strong and artificial. Before long I was back to living and eating normally.

It was a life-changing experience. I'm thinking of doing it again. It requires A LOT of fruit and vegetables, a planned schedule, and a good juicer.

Review: Juice Extractor Review High Range ($100-200)

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(Click here for reviews juicer review Low-Range [$0-50])
(Click here for reviews juicer review Mid Range [$50-100])

High Price Range ($100-200)

We'll be showing you a few juicer reviews for the high price range. Many of the juicers in the $50-100 price range, though, may be just a good. Have a look here for those juice extractor reviews:
juicer review Mid Range $50-100.

Jack Lalanne Juicer review ($100 on This is a very, if not the most popular juicer. Many feel it's the best juicer. Indeed it's juicer blade is very large for it's size and most notably, the large mouth of the food pusher doesn't go directly to the middle of the blades, but offset from the center. How does this help? The blades are spinning faster at that part of the cutter. Small juicers are like this, actually, with their cresent-shaped food pusher (see review juice
r Low-Range here).

Juice Extractor review Jack Lalanne Pro Juicer ($150 at This juicer is the same as the one mentioned in the Jack Lalanne review above, however, it has a stainless steel finish and looks nicer. If you shop around you can find this Jack Lalanne juicer cheap at around $120. That said, the original Jack Lalanne can be found for $80.

Black & Decker JM503 Juiceman Juice Extractor review ($180 on Amazon). Let's look at the stat's for this one
  • 1,000 watts (wow!) 3-speed push-button controls
  • LCD display screen (nice!)
  • blue backlight (pretty!)
  • stainless steel body and juice bowl (great!)
  • Heavy-duty die cast handles (rare!)
  • cord storage wrap (convenient!)
  • Stainless steel mesh, titanium-coated blades, and see-thru lid (could it get any better?)
And plus it's by Black & Decker, a reputable company. This is one of the best of this type of juicer.

West Bend Performance Series Juice Extractor review ($120 at Target). I'm not going to go into this deeply, as you can see it's very similar to the Jack Lalanne juicer. Lalanne is a trusted brand. I'm a bit skeptical about West Bend. I'd stick to Jack Lalannne over this one.

Breville JE95XL Two-Speed Juice Fountain Plus ($140 on Amazon). This is very smartly designed juicer. This is the newer version and it has two speeds: one for soft fruits and fast for harder foods. It's easy to clean, powerful, and gets a lot of juice. The only negatives about this juicer is that I haven't used one long enough to know how it holds up under pressure. 1 year warranty, so that should be okay!

Lexen Electric Healthy Juice Extractor Review ($180 on Amazon). This
juicer review, folks, shouldn't be here. It should be in the Professional Range of over $200. This is a masticating juicer which smashes the juice out of fruits and vegetables rather than grinding it like in our other juicers. This is the cheapest of this type juicer so I couldn't recommend it due to likely poor quality control, but I can say that a masticating juicer is the way to go if you're looking to juice daily for long periods of time. I'd spend over $200 for a more popular juicer though.

Breville BJE510XL Ikon 900-Watt Variable-Speed Juice Extractor review ($182 on Amazon). This is another good review juicer from Breville. Note the review above, and note that this one is a tad more powerful, has variable speeds, and looks better because it's stainless. If you can afford it I'd say this is good choice.

L’Equip Mini XL Pulp Ejection Juicer ($140 on Amazon). No one I ask knows anything about this product, so in my case I'd never get it. I'm just throwing it out there to show you what's available.

And that's about it. We won't be doing a review of the $300-500 range unless there is a demand for it. If we get enough comments we'll write one!

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(Click here for reviews juicer review Low-Range [$0-50])
(Click here for reviews juicer review Mid Range [$50-100])

Saturday, March 7, 2009

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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Review: Juice Extractor Review Mid-Range ($50-100)

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(Click here for reviews juicer review High Range [$100-200])

Mid Price Range ($50-100)

Here were going to review juicer in the medium price range. If you're looking for a cheap juicer, please check out our review juicers low price range, or the main reviews juicer page.

There are a few characteristics you quickly notice when comparing a mid-range juicer to a low-range juicer. First, they are a bit larger. You'll get a bigger disposal bin and more importantly, the mouth for the food pusher is much larger (low-range juicers have a small crescent shaped fruit pusher). Next, as compared to 300-400 watts, these juicers have around 700 watts of power. Finally, the blades (they're more like grinders, actually, have twice the surface area as the smaller juicers.

This mid-range juicer is basically something we made up to review juicers. These mid-range juice extractors are actually just cheaper versions of the high-range extractors. If you're just starting off and don't know how much you'll use the machine, I'd recommend a low-range juicer. If you juice only once in a while, maybe a mid-range would be good for you. If you want something better I'd go for the high-range versions.

Juiceman 2-Speed Juice Extractor reviews juicer ($60 at Target) (AKA Juiceman Big-Mouth). This is your run-of-the-mill mid-range juicer. Coming from a smaller juicer you'll love it. If you're expecting more, you'll hate it. Clean up isn't a breeze, but it's better than the smaller versions. It is quite a bit more powerful (over 700 watts) and has a large food chute for accommodating whole apples and such. This is a bonus. It's kind of hard to take apart to clean, so note that before buying.

Note, we won't review juicer Juiceman Jr. Chrome ($60+) or regular Juiceman Junior
($60+) in full because of several reasons. These are still available, but older and if you check the links you'll find review juicer that customers with not pleased with these machines as they were messy, didn't extract much juice, and broke easily. The prices are upwards of $60, which is actually more than the Juiceman 2-Speed mentioned above. Plus the small crescent shaped food plunger would classify these juicers with the low-range review juicers.

Sharper Image 700w Juicer Review ($70 at We don't know too much about this juicer. It's a regularly priced $100 juicer, so on sale it fits in this mid-range category perfectly. Sharper Image products are usually expensive, but since this is only $100, I'm assuming it's a mid, and not high-range product. I haven't seen it, haven't seen too many reviews on it, but just though I'd mention it here anyway. Here's the Amazon link as well.

Hamilton Beach Big Mouth Review Juicer 67650H ($75 at Target [Amazon link]). This is very similar to the Juiceman 2-speed. Cleaning isn't great, but it's not too bad. This is 800w, so you get a bit more power here. The juicer is a bit loud, so prepare for that when you buy it. If you see the links make sure to not that there are a couple different styles. The one at Amazon looks much nicer if you ask me. For mid-range, this is decent juicer, espeically if you can find it for under $60, which would be possible (hint: try Target or Walmart in-store, you never know what they might have! I found something similar for $48!).

* * *

Okay, as said before these reviews juicers in the mid-range are basically the cheaper high-range juicers, as far as characteristics. They do have the big mouths and the power of the high-range juicers, but have the quality of the low-range juicers. Please read all reviews before making your selection.

If you find any more not listed here, or just have a comment or a review, don't hesitate to add a comment below!

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(Click here for reviews juicer review Low-Range [$0-50])
(Click here for reviews juicer review High Range [$100-200])

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Review: Juice Extractor Review Low-Range ($0-50)

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(Click here for reviews juicer review Mid Range [$50-100])
(Click here for reviews juicer review High Range [$100-200])

Low Price Range: $0-50

The low range juicers reviewed here all have slower motors, meaning around 300-400 watts. They usually have small mouths for inserting fruit and veggies. These lower priced reviews juice extractor aren't as sturdy, are kind of messy to clean up, and all have the same basic set up, therefore look similar to each other. Of each I'll give my review juice extractor and my recommendation.

Mercury Juice Extractor Reviews Juicer ($17 on Amazon). This is my top recommendation for someone just starting out juicing. If you're only planning to a 2 week juice fast or even a month juice fast only, this juicer should be your choice because it's a decent juicer cheap. However, this is probably a Chinese company that you can only buy through It will probably break easily. If you're only going to use it for the fast, OR to see if you like the juicing lifestyle get it. If you want to buy in person, check the next reviews juicer.

Hamilton Beach Health Smart Review Juicer Reviews ($39 at Walmart). At Walmart actually saw this juice extractor. Review seems decent. I didn't know it was at Walmart. Cheap juicer cheap store! Quite surprising. This isn't as cheap as the one on Amazon, but it's a Hamilton Beach juicer review and it's a well known name. Plus you get two speeds. The next review juicer is very similar.

Hamilton Beach Health Smart Juicer Review ($39 at Target). If you click the link you'll see that this juicer isn't very good and doesn't get as much juice as others. Plus it's pretty messy. Customers seem unsatisfied. I'd stay away from this one.

Elite Cuisine 2 Speed Power Dynamic Juice Extractor Review Juicer ($39 on Amazon). I don't have any information on this one, but there are reviews on Amazon if you click the link I provided. Elite Cuisine seems decent though.

Black & Decker Juice Extractor Reviews Juicer ($38 on Amazon). Of these smaller ones under $50, this is my top choice for someone who juices a few times a month. It's not a great review juicer, but it's decent and does the job. I like the Black & Decker brand over the others I mentioned and it should last. I'm sure I saw this at Walmart, Target, or some other store. You'll have to call around, or else buy this cheap juicer online.

These were juice extractor reviews juicer for some of the most popular smaller juicers. There are many more, but you get the gist of how they are. They are all quite similar. If you have any of these, or have read about some other juicer review in this price range, I invite you to leave your comment below and help other readers out. Thanks!

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(Click here for reviews juicer review Mid Range [$50-100])
(Click here for reviews juicer review High Range [$100-200])

Review Juicer Here: Juice Extractor Review Main Page

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(Click here for reviews juicer review Mid Range [$50-100])
(Click here for reviews juicer review High Range [$100-200])

Welcome to our juice extractor review. What we'll be reviewing goes by various names. We'll be covering all of the following, although they are nearly the same thing!: juicer review, juice extractor review, juice extractor reviews, juice extracter review, review juicer, review juicers, vegetable juicer review. We will not deal with blender reviews juicer, citrus juicer reviews, or food processor review in this article.

Which Juicer is Best for Me?

Prices of juicers range from around $30 all the way up to over $300. There are 3 main types of fruit juicers to choose from. The bigger, more expensive they are, the more likely they are to be called a juice extractor.

First, you have to look at your budget. How much can you afford? Next, do you need a good juice extractor for daily use? Or do you just need a small fruit and vegetable juicer to use a couple times a week? They both do the same job, but the better they are, the easier they are to use, the easier to clean up, the more fruit they can handle at once, and even a higher percentage of juice (reviews juicer page links below).

For a little note on color, I'd like to tell you that some of the natural dyes in fruits and vegetables are very strong and capable of staining. So, if you buy a white juices, it's almost guaranteed to stain if you don't wipe it off immediately after each use.

My recommendation would be that if you are just starting out, get the cheapest juicer you can find. If you find yourself using it often, upgrade. There's no sense buying a medium priced juicer to start if you end up upgrading in the near future. There's no use jumping into a big one either, because you're not sure if you're going to use it often. Here are the reviews juicers or reviews juicer extractor, I'll tell you my opinion of each.

The following are links to our reviews, juicers are categorized by price. These machines are called juicer review, juice extractor reviews, juice extracter review, review juicer, review juicers, vegetable juicer review, reviewed juicer, juicer reviewed, review juice extractor, reviews juice extractor, review juice extractors, reviews juice extractors.

Click the links for the reviews!

(Click here for reviews juicer review Low-Range [$0-50])
(Click here for reviews juicer review Mid Range [$50-100])
(Click here for reviews juicer review High Range [$100-200])

UPDATE: We don't yet have our review of the $200+ juicers up. This type grinds as well as squeezes the resulting pulp to give you more juice. There is one listed in the High Range review. If you're interested in this type, please check that out and go from there.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Wholefood Supplements: Natural Vitamins vs Synthetic

Natural vitamins are what you can buy in the grocery store or local pharmacy such as Walgreen or Rite-Aid. Brands such as Centrum or Theregran-M come to mind.

Natural Vitamin versus Synthetic Vitamins: Both Centrum and
Theragran-M are examples of non-natural synthetic vitamins

These synthetic vitamins are the most popular and best sellers. However, several doctors and health specialists feel that these vitamins might be as good for you as, well...
Natural Vitamins vs. Synthetic Vitamins and the Advantages of Each

In the natural vitamins vs synthetic vitamin argument, proponents of natural vitamins such as wholefood supplements claim that nothing man-made can be as good as nature's own vitamins. Centrum, and the like, do contain vitamins, however, they are not in their natural form or amounts, therefore they aren't as easily accepted as nutrition by your body and aren't as easily digested.

What do I take regarding natural vs synthetic vitamins? Well, I'd like to take only wholefood supplements, and usually I do. However, they're quite pricey and sometimes, even a Centrum is better than nothing. Synthetics are readily available and claim to give you all the vitamins you need. Granted, this might be a strain for your digestive system, though.

Typically, a bottle of 200 one-a-day Centrum tablets will cost you around $15. Or, you could get the Walgreen equivalent--which is made and packaged in the same factory as the Centrum tablets and is, essentially, the same exact product--for around $10. However, Walgreen has buy one get one free sales on these, so you can get over year's supply for around $10! I used to buy these often, until I found out that synthetics aren't the way to go. I do make sure I have some on hand, just in case, but I don't take them daily. For the record, Target sells multivitamins and the tablets are red. Don't buy them--they upset the stomach.

Wholefood supplements, on the other hand, aren't as compact, cheap, or convenient as synthetics. You usually have to take more than one a day--which is actually good so that you can get the vitamins when your body needs them. They might costs as much as 10 times as much. However, they are highly alkaline to you blood and are easily digestible.

Here are a few examples of whole food supplements on Amazon: Vitamineral Green (see trial size) and Earth Herbal Vegan Organic Superfood Dietary Supplement. You can see the Vitamineral in the photo to the left. However, the one I would most recommend is Comprehensive Vitamin & Mineral Formula. By just reading the discription you know you can trust them!

Natural Vitamins vs Synthetic Vitamins: Conclusion

When weighing the benefits of natural vitamins versus synthetic vitamins, you have to ask yourself what you're looking for. Wholefood, natural vitamins are far better for because they
  • Give you nutrients in the form and dose that nature intended
  • Include enzymes which aid in digestion of the vitamins as well as other foods
  • Make your blood alkaline
  • Are taken a few times a day providing maximum absorption by the colon and small intestine
  • Are often in dark, glass bottles: the best way to preserve the freshness of the vitamins
  • BUT, are expensive and hard to find except at health food stores
Synthetic man-made vitamins have other benefits:
  • Very cheap
  • Available at any pharmacy or grocery store
  • Are known to everyone and coupons are available
  • Have 100% USRDA of everything you need (no, I don't believe the USRDA)
  • Just taken once a day
  • BUT, they don't absorb properly, put more of a strain on your digestive system, may be stale or old, are made from the lowest quality ingredients, and are totally non-natural and synthetic.
Natural vitamins vs synthetic vitamins final word: Buy only 100% natural, whole food vitamins. If you can't get them for any reason, or if they are too expensive for you, take synthetics. If you are on a high fruit and vegetable diet, there is no need to take any vitamins, and in such a case taking synthetics would even work against you.

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